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So i was browsing around NG today, and I did not find much... UNTIL I FOUND THIS!!!
TOME episode 1 by Kirbopher was soooooooooooooooooooooooo good. It has the original cast of TTA by Kirbopher, with improved art, and online setting. Alpha, Kirb, Flamegirl, GC and Ny have to stop evil H@xors in TOME to make the game fun again. However, when Alpha realizes his lowing potential, he finds a dark core system that seems to absorb into him. Then wen fighting 2 lowly H@xors Rockoon and Doubling, Alpha completely annihlates them.
Kirb gets jealous and attacks Alpha :/
Oh and I never was able to put this last piece of art for halloween because of the sudden conspiracy that SF9 was dead. :L