Today was my first day of high school, and i was so pepped, but at the end, i was pretty exhausted. I wanted to go home and log onto NG, but i realized that I wont be able to do that alot anymore. I also realized that everyone else is starting to drift.
This is only because that our lives are changing. It is no longer the time that we could hang out all we wanted anymore, or have our awsome Sonic clubs. It would be awsome to have them again, but the school days are inevitable.
My point is, I cant be on as much as i used to, Marti/Silas cant either, and SF9 is gone til mid 2012. Our lives are changing, and as we get older, we cant always be online when you want us. Eventually, we might need to remove NG from our lives for awhile.
Dont think that i dont like you guys. You guys are awsome friends. I will never forget this first year of my NG account.
Remember that im not leaving completely (yet...), but I wont be very active like in the Summer.
Also check out Epic Battle Fantasy on NG. Its an awsome game
i dont have to go to high school!because of a arcade thing.yes...
ur lucky